Finding answers with 23plusone in the labor market

Tired employee resting her head on top of books

The labor market is slowly recovering from the difficulties businesses have had to guide through in the past few years, and labor shortages are prevalent in various industries as the demand is returning back to normal levels. This is not only due to the pandemic-related layoffs, but a widely spread phenomenon of increased resignation rates, also referred to as the “Great Resignation”, is increasing the number of job openings. Many employees are missing the sense of purpose and the feeling of being valued at work. However, the causes are not all that simple, nor are the solutions. For a deeper dive into the underlying reasons and solutions, and a quick test of your own capabilities in retaining talent, have a look at this article.

While there are significant struggles to retain and find enough employees, finding the right employees is certainly even more important than before. How can you make sure that the potential new employee (and employer!) is a good match not only with the position, but with the company, culture, and values? It can be hard to find the right questions to ask and make sure you get authentic answers, especially on topics like these where the answers might be nuanced and come from the subconscious, sometimes unknown, mind.

If you would like to see some nice examples of alternative questions to ask in interviews, check out this article. Of course, you can also just spread the 23plusone deck on the table and let the cards do the magic! This works well both ways - as the interviewer or the interviewee. Furthermore, the 23plusone value system is also an excellent tool to identify and understand your own values and drives, which is essential in finding work that you feel purposeful and connected to. You can think about questions relating to your professional life and work experience, such as “What do I really appreciate in my work?” and go through the cards to discover which ones resonate with you. We will share more ideas for questions you can ask with the 23plusone cards through our newsletter, so make sure to sign up if you want more insights and inspiration on how to use the cards.


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