Diversity & modernity: 23plusone's inclusive update🌍
Reimagine inclusivity, modernity, and usability with the 23plusone United Edition. Dive into diversity, innovation, and human connection like never before.
🎉 The Official Launch of the 23plusone Collective 🎉
We launched at The Beug in Odijk with great food, cocktails, live music, and brainstorms. Exciting 2025 plans ahead—let's keep the 23plusone magic alive!
☀️ Sun, Sand & 23plusone: a Summer School to remember! ☀️
This year’s Summer School, led by Kim Cramer and Carmen Phillips, brought the 23plusone method to life through beachside activities, creativity, and connection, ending with sunset drinks and new friendships.
🚀 Successful launch of the new card set! 🚀
Explore the new United Edition of 23plusone, a diverse and inclusive card set with modern imagery and sustainable production, designed for all to inspire positive impact.
Revalidation survey
Ahoy! 23plusone is a visual language of 24 cards that helps individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide explore what truly matters, fostering happiness, meaningful connections, and positive impact.
How to define your values
Discover your core values with 23plusone's scientifically validated method, helping you make intentional decisions and live a meaningful life.
Illuminating the invisible culture
Discover how 23plusone reveals the invisible culture within your organization, bridging the gap between perceptions and reality to create meaningful change.
Why to apply the 23plusone method to build business culture
Discover how the 23plusone method helps build strong, dynamic business cultures by aligning values, enhancing employee well-being, and fostering lasting success.
Finding answers with 23plusone in the labor market
Navigate labor market challenges with 23plusone, a powerful tool to uncover values, foster meaningful connections, and improve hiring and retention through insightful questions and purposeful alignment.
The 23plusone value system: discover your personal drives
The 23plusone value system helps you uncover your personal drives and priorities, offering limitless ways to enhance both personal and professional happiness through self-reflection and discovery.